#reptilepodcasts #listofbestreptilepodcasts #listenandlearn #herpetology #podcast #comphrensivelistofreptilepodcasts #bestlistofreptilepodcasts #frogpodcast #snakepodcast #colubridpodcast #turtlepodcast #monitorpodcast #elapidpodcast #venomouspodcast #podcastonvenom #podcastonreptiles #listofreptilepodcasts #somethingoldsomethingnew #bestreptilepodcasts21 #herpetoculturenetwork #moreliapythonradio #herpetologypodcast #interviewwithakeeper #geckopodcast
Podcasts. Another invention the world has embraced, and we now use in everyday life. The ease of use means we can listen to people talking about our favourite subjects while driving, doing chores, working, or relaxing. For some people, podcasts are the new music. But did you ever wonder how they came to be?
In 2000 the concept of using RSS feeds for bonding video and audio files was drafted. In 2004 Dave Winer and Adam Curry invented the means in which to do this. Ben Hammersly ingeniously came up with the name podcast in a newspaper article in 2004 and the name stuck. In 2005 the larger companies realized that podcasts were here to stay, and Apple led the way with iTunes 4.9 – the first update to support podcasts. Now, 21 years after the idea came into fruition, over 165 million people around the world have listened to a podcast.
As podcasts are becoming more and more popular as a way of learning, we thought we would compile a comprehensive list of reptile podcasts for those new to podcasts. Some are old, some are new. The list contains only English speaking podcasts, but many more are available in many other languages. We also didn’t add podcasts that were very short in length or episodes. List is in alphabetical order for easy reading.
AmphibiaCast hosted by Dan Drobates
Animals at home hosted by Dillon Perron
Arcadia Reptile podcast hosted by John Courtenay-Smith
Aussie Wildlife Show hosted by Steve Crawford and Adrian Sherriff
Canadian Herpetoculture Podcast hosted by Keanna Fox and Brandon Millichamp
Carpet Cliff notes hosted by Eric Burke and Owen McIntyre
Carpets and Coffee hosted by Riley Jimison, Eric Burke, and Lucas Lee
Chameleon Academy Podcast hosted by Bill Strand
Cold-blooded Contributions Podcast hosted by Scott and Tie Eipper
Colubrid & Colubroid hosted by Dr Zac Loughman and Matt Most
Colubrid Corner hosted by Owen McIntyre and Riley Jimison
Corallus Radio hosted by Jeff Godbold
CornStars hosted by Justin Smith and Joe Phalen
Critters and Stuff hosted by Josh Fastuca
CrocKast Podcast hosted by Nate and Matt
Daffy’s Round Table hosted by Fadi Naddeh
Herp History hosted by Eric Burke and Owen McIntyre
Herp House Rock! Hosted by Ryan and Ben
Herpetological Highlights hosted by Tom Major and Ben Marshall
Let’s Talk Turtles hosted by Ryan and Rebecca
Lizard Brain Radio hosted by Bill Bradley
Modern Medusa hosted by Dominique DeFalco
Monitor Keeping Podcast hosted by Alan Stevens and Khai Phan
Morelia Python Radio hosted by Eric Burke and Owen McIntyre
New World Reptile Keepers hosted by Chris Skywalker Hause
Reefs and Reptiles hosted by Charlie
Reptile Chat W.A. hosted by Paul and Jay
Reptile Entrepreneur Podcast hosted by Bill Strand
Reptile Fight Club hosted by Justin Julander and Chuck Poland
Reptile Systems Podcast by Timothy
Reptile Talk hosted by Jeremy Turgeon and Rob Christian
Reptiles With by HSR Exotics
Reptilian Ramble Podcast hosted by Hunter Houck and Davis Lensch
Reptile Room Podcast hosted by Andy Rea and Riley Jimison
Reptile Room Confessions Podcast hosted by Ryan McVeigh, Erica McVeigh, Bill Bradley, & Teresa Bradley
Rude Dogg Reptiles hosted by Rudy Delgado
Searchable as Reptiles hosted by Brian and Garrett
Snakes and Stogies hosted by Phil Wolf and Justin Smith
Snakes and the Fatman hosted by Chris Eaton
Snake Talk hosted by Dr Jenkins
So Much Pingle hosted by Mike Pingleton
Squamates hosted by Mark D. Scherz, Gabriel Ugueto, and Ethan Kocak.
Student of the Serpent hosted by Eric Burke and Rob Stone
The Australian Herpetoculture Podcast hosted by Luke Nettheim and Jason Rodgers
The Chondrocast by Justin Smith
The Field Herping Podcast hosted by Eric Burke and Nipper Read
The Herpetoculture Network by Justin Smith
The Herping Hour Podcast by Lily Rose Reptile and Dawn of Time Exotics
The Pondcast hosted by THETURTLE ROOM
The Reptile Gumbo Podcast
The Serpent Stream hosted by Jeff and Terry
Trap Talk Podcast hosted by MJ
Unfiltered Reptiles Podcast hosted by Steven, MJ and Desiree
Unreal Reptiles hosted by Jake and Eden
Venom Exchange Radio hosted by Phil Wolf and Nipper Read
Ball Shit hosted by Sean Bradley
For Goodness Snake hosted by Herptastic
Gecko Nation Radio hosted by David’s Fine Geckos
Herpin Time hosted by Justin Guyer and Wildman Hartzel
Honey I bought a Reptile
Keep Calm It’s Just a Snake Podcast hosted by Jz’s Reptiles
Reptileapartment.com hosted by John F Taylor
Reptile Living Room hosted by John F Taylor
Reptile N Chill
Reptile Radio
Reptile Radio Australia hosted by Peter Birch and Meyndert Bornman
Snake and Stuff Digest
Snake Room Podcast hosted by Liam Biss
Strength in Leos Podcast hosted by Evan Wooldridge
The Herpetile Podcast hosted by Nash
Urban Jungle Radio hosted by Danny Mendez
Wildlife, Cake and Cocktails hosted by Janne Torrkola
Word on the Snake Vine hosted by
Website: www.wildlifedemonstrations.com
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com.au/scott_eipper
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naturefouryou/
Cold-blooded Contributions Podcast Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095066316571
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